
How to install floris mod pack
How to install floris mod pack

how to install floris mod pack

Fortunately, everything now has simple designations attached. Your first band of Sarranid peasants are ready to be promoted to regular troops, but the choices of ‘Sarranid Ajam’ or ‘Sarranid Oglan’ won’t make much sense unless you’ve studied medieval history. While interesting, the overhauls done to the unit evolution tech-trees were a little mystifying at first. The past few major updates to the mod pack have also addressed some issues I had with earlier builds. There’s a lot of nice, subtle particle effects to see, such as massed cavalry kicking up a storm of dust in desert battles, and the overworld map has gotten a major lick of paint as well. The graphics have also gotten a universal overhaul, and the game is far more detailed. Perhaps you’re a history buff, and didn’t see your favourite swords and shields represented? Just about everything ever seen in medieval Europe, Asia, Egypt and beyond is covered here, and it all slots into place naturally, filling out each nation and giving them a more distinct flavour of their own.

how to install floris mod pack

Wanted more character interaction with NPCs? It’s there. The Floris Mod Pack is not the work of one man, but rather a curated all-in-one upgrade pack drawing from the best and brightest in the (impressively active) M&B modding community that aims to improve and flesh out every single aspect of the game.ĭidn’t think that the castles and towns were unique and well-defined enough? Now everything has its own look. An action-RPG/sim blend leading you through the life of a medieval mercenary, from poorly equipped no-hoper to perhaps lord of your own lands and leader of massive armies.

how to install floris mod pack

While it was only slightly expanded over the original release of Mount & Blade, it was still a time-devouring titan of a game. That’s not to say that M&B: Warband was a small or lightweight game to begin with. Despite billing itself as just a suite of enhancements to the ‘vanilla’ campaign mode of the game, the Floris Mod Pack adds almost 2.5gb of new content, features, graphics and effects. Even after a full suite of patches and updates, Mount & Blade: Warband weighs in at just shy of 900mb. It’s not often that I’ll so hastily point to the sheer tonnage of a mod in order to bring attention to it, but the ever-expanding Floris Mod Pack (currently at Version 2.54 and still growing) is a rightful exception.

How to install floris mod pack